

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act regulates the operations of the OPB.  The Act outlines that a farming organization or an individual is required to be licensed annually with OPB in order to sell their potatoes, if they fit into the following categories:
  • Grow 5 acres or more of potatoes in Ontario.
  • Are engaged in buying or selling potatoes in the Province.

Types of Membership

Types of membership (or licenses) include the following:
  • Producer - a producer of process or table fresh potatoes.
  • Packer/Dealer - engaged in marketing potatoes purchased or received from a licensed grower.
  • Processor - change the nature or form of potatoes by any means from their raw or natural state.

New Members

Even if your situation does not require you to have a license under the OFPMA we encourage you to examine the benefits of membership.
To become a new member, please call the OPB at 519-846-5553 or email